Drug Castle was the nickname given to a facility in England where they used to conduct experimental, often unethical psychological procedures during the 60s and 70s. No one’s quite sure of its exact location, other than it was near the sea, and some of the sessions happened out on the beach.

drug castle (short film)

No one’s quite sure of its exact location, other than it was near the sea, and some of the sessions happened out on the beach. Whilst there are reports of life-changing, helpful treatment there, it’s more famous for the awful horror stories; extreme abuse, induced group psychosis involving “frequency therapy” and alleged deaths. It’s clear some people never returned to the lives and families they knew before.

(Directed by Howard Gardner)

last train to drug castle

All aboard, all aboard – the last train to the ultimate party. The pubs are closed, but you’re not ready for bed. You want to go to a party in this mad building on the beach?

Who are you going to trust to take you to the final destination?

(Remixed song and video by Max Rael) 

where/when are we?

It has been 2024 now for over four years.

The tech billionaires (you know the ones) have found a way to slow down time whilst they build their super-bunkers in New Zealand before what is being called, “The Event”. No one knows what this event is, whether it’s the singularity, the collapse of global capitalism, AI becoming conscious, a zombie apocalypse, the next pandemic, or something else altogether, remains to be seen. It could be the next stage in the evolution of humankind, but what comes next? Dystopia or utopia (or more likely something inbetween)? Maybe, just maybe, it’s up to us. And it can’t hurt to act like it is, and throw ourselves with full force into the narrative.

“The future is up for grabs. It belongs to any and all who will take the risk and accept the responsibility of consciously creating the future they want.”
― Robert Anton Wilson