released 20th june 2024

You know how 2021 seems recent and yet ages ago at the same time? It’s because planet Earth has been stuck in the year 2024 for over four years.

History Of Guns had been messing around with trying to contact deep space, like Philip K Dick, Tim Leary, Robert Anton Wilson, or Crowley’s Amalantrah Working, for years, but they were still surprised when they received an answer. It was from the planet Arcadia telling Del and Max they would need to find some way to travel through space / consciousness to unstick time.

HOG managed to build a spaceship powered entirely by gist, but alas it has become damaged, and is right now either currently stuck orbiting the moon of a dead planet, (or buried deep in their subconsciousness depending on how you view reality).

When they are closest to the sun side of the planet it is unbearably hot and light, and when the ship is closest to the planet it is unbearably cold and dark. Half light, half dark, with our intrepid History Of Guns heroes seemingly stuck perpetually moving between these two points.

This was the starting point for the album HALF LIGHT. And whilst it isn’t a concept album, a rock opera or a conventional narrative story, elements of it are contained in the ten songs that continue to explore inner and outer space. 

The aim, as always with History Of Guns, is to create a strange alternative place where anyone can feel safe, particularly late at night when the world feels bleak. And the world feels very bleak a lot of the time these days. That doesn’t mean the album is all happiness, light and pink fluffy bunny rabbits. It has a lot of darkness in it, like life, with songs about mental health, addiction, abandonment and how hard it can feel to keep going sometimes. Yet through this darkness there remains underneath, a core of hope.

History Of Guns continue to try to embrace pluarality; oscillating between the dark and the light, irony and sincerity, naivety and knowingness, relativism and truth, optimism and doubt, in their continuing voyages into new shapes and meanings. 



  1. No Longer Earthbound
  2. Never Give It Up
  3. All You Dream (You Can Never Have)
  4. What’s Buried (Will Rise)
  5. Flashes of Light (Pt.5)
  6. When You Don’t Matter
  7. Arcadia
  8. Drug Castle
  9. Survive the Night
  10. An Invitation


Del Alien – Lead Voice
Max Rael – Programming, keyboards, guitars, voices
Caden Clarkson – Guitar (tracks 5 – 9)

Amara O’Neill – Album cover art